That level of Influence is what it takes to get what you desire in life - PERIOD! Use it ethically and use the skills properly and you will get what you want and move people in the direction you desire. Is this good for Network Marketers - YES....Is is it good for Internet Marketing - YES.....Is it good for relationships - absolutely!
Check out Dr Cialdini's info and here is an excerpt "(Cialdini) introduces simple but remarkably powerful techniques for moving people in your direction. In addition to introducing a variety of effective persuasion strategies, they also discuss the types of things to watch out for to help you resist both subtle and overt influences on your decision making." Go to the site and check out the new book - CLICK HERE!
Jerry Clark also interviews Cialdini in his Magic of Influence Series - This is one of the best compilations for Networkers to learn about influence specifically directed towards the Network Marketing Industry.
Click the Link Below to find Out More Info about Influence;